So, the big big best lets pop some bottles news is that...
The UnProfessionals is Diamond Distributed!

That's right, we've been picked up by the biggest comics distributor around, Diamond Distributing (the big guns that make sure your Spidermans and your Batmans are stocked in the store.) This means that comic shops across the country will now see and be able to order The Unprofessionals. We're playing in the major leagues now. It's great, we all actually feel just like Jake & Leo, starting out in the small time and moving up.
Look for us in March PREVIEWS and then expect to see the re-release of Chapter #1 in comic shops nationwide!
We're incredibly excited, it's been an awesome beginning of the year, so let's keep it going! Keep checking back for more
We're incredibly excited, it's been an awesome beginning of the year, so let's keep it going! Keep checking back for more
-UnPro Team
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